by The 5P Foundation

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Warmly welcomed by all residents of Genggelang along with ECCO Foundation friends visited several places and mingled together with “Amiq” (an elder figure in the village).Some of the places visited today such as Murmas tree house, Village Museum, and Gangga Waterfall. At the tree house we discussed the background of the construction of tree houses in Genggelang Village with the aim of becoming one of the tourist attractions.

At the village museum, we explained about the history of the “lost village”. While at the museum I also met with other ECCO friends (local residents) to get acquainted and exchange stories. After that we visited the spot, namely Gangga Waterfall. Amiq told us about the journey of the village’s revival after being hit by two disasters (earthquake and covid). Amiq also has a business to introduce village crafts by initiating “V60 Bamboo Coffee”. Amiq also briefly told us how to serve bamboo coffee and coffee cultivation in Genggelang Village.

The next morning, together with Mas Coco, we visited the location of the Village Waste Sorting Station (TPS3R) which was built by UNDP and funded by the German government. TPS3R was built after the earthquake in Genggelang Village but only operated for less than a year due to lack of operational funds and UNDP’s involvement in further development.

Afterwards, we traveled to Senara Chocolate Village. In the last few months (including the fasting month) the cacao harvest has been halted due to the prolonged El-Nina. I then visited a chocolate shop to sample chocolate drinks and foods. After lunch, I met with local women who were making the flour-based foods they sell. There we were told the process of processing the food. They told me that food processing to packaging is done together, where the proceeds from sales are distributed according to their respective portions. The types of food they sell are very varied at affordable prices.

Not far from the location of the women, we participated in the process of teaching free English together with ECCO friends to children. We taught basic English with fun play.

So great experience for us, see you again for another 5P Village Edition.