Let’s navigate
today’s crises with global solidarity

Sport as a Tool for Achieving World Peace through Diplomacy
Sport has played a significant role in international politics for many years, spanning across the two World Wars and the…
Youth as Changemakers: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Human Experience
In today's rapidly changing world, young people are increasingly recognized as powerful agents of change. This article delves into the…
2026: The World is Headed for Famine
How old will you be in 2025? Regardless of wealth, ethnicity, race, or religion, famine will strike the world. Do…
Online Loans: Favour for a Moment, Misery Forever
In the past 5 years, there have been many startups engaged in the online loan business. In terms of business,…
Debunking Peace Myths: Building Bridges, Not Walls
Have you ever wondered why peace often feels like a distant dream, drowned out by the daily cacophony of conflict…