by The 5P Global Movement

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As we reach the midpoint of the 2030 agenda, African leaders are emphasizing the need to rebuild trust and rekindle global unity amid a series of challenges. From the economic repercussions of the war in Ukraine, increased regional conflicts to extreme weather disasters, there are numerous challenges threatening to impede progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite these hurdles, there are promising trends across the continent that demonstrate Africa’s unique potential for growth and prosperity.

Here are five ways our UN teams are helping leverage these trends to advance progress on the ground:

Empowering Africa’s Youth

With over half of Africa’s population under thirty, this demographic advantage holds immense promise. The key lies in channeling investments towards resources and opportunities that will unlock the full potential of new generations.

In Egypt, a Youth Climate Change Committee is currently being established under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator and the UN Country Team. This joint project with the Ministry of Youth and Sports engages young people across the country, who will receive training on climate politics and contribute to shaping and implementing climate policies. 

In Liberia, youth employment and entrepreneurship are key for building long-term sustainable development. To help unlock the potential of the next generation, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Liberia is implementing two joint programmes, ‘Youth Rising’ and ‘Youth at Risk’ which empower young people, especially women, with skills, vocational training, and practical employment opportunities.

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