by The 5P Foundation

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Who does not love coffee? Based on the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the global coffee consumption reached 166 million 60-kilogram (kg) sacks in 2020/2021. This figure was recorded to increase by 1% compared to 2019, which amounted to 164.2 million sacks. The highest coffee consumption figures in the world are in the European and American regions. The volume of coffee consumption in Europe was recorded at 54 million sacks in 2021. Meanwhile, the volume of coffee consumption in the Americas (North America, South America, Central America and Mexico) totaled 63.53 million sacks in 2021.

But is it true that ordering coffee will increase your carbon footprint? Do you realize that we live in an age of instant gratification? In the past, if we wanted to buy coffee, we had to go to a cafe. Now, we can just sit down and order coffee through an app. Then, the coffee will be delivered by a delivery provider. It’s obvious that the delivery process uses vehicles that produce carbon footprint. But, do you understand what carbon footprint means?

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide a particular individual, organization, or community releases into the atmosphere as a result of their activities. Nearly all our daily activities release some amount of carbon into the atmosphere. The volume of carbon released depends on a variety of factors. Therefore, we have the power to increase or decrease our footprints based on our everyday choices. For example food has a carbon footprint attached to it. But, local food has a smaller carbon footprint because it has not had to travel so far.

Along with the development of technology, it is difficult for us to prevent the increase of Carbon Footprint. But, at least let’s be more aware of our earth, by reading more and looking for things that educate us. We are indeed facing a global crisis and many don’t care about it, but if we don’t start, who will?

#5PGlobalMovement #5PForBetterWorld

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