Let’s navigate
today’s crises with global solidarity

5P Global Movement: Building Peace in the Middle East with
Introduction The Middle East is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, historical significance, and vibrant traditions. Despite its contributions to…
Why Peace Is Important And How to Achieve It In
Peace is a concept often discussed yet rarely fully realized. It is a term that embodies both the absence of…
Argentina: The World’s Worst Inflation
Argentina is currently facing the highest inflation rate globally, a position it holds with alarming distinction. Despite being the third…
Silence is Overrated: Finding Peace in the Noise
In a world where mindfulness apps preach the virtues of quiet corners and meditation retreats promise blissful seclusion, the pursuit…
The Role of International Organizations and NGOs in Climate Change
Climate change is an escalating issue that continues to challenge our planet, manifesting in severe weather events such as flash…
SDGs Sustainable Partnership Progress: Road to 2030
United Nations and its member countries initiated a movement called SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals. This is a global agenda…
The Definition of Social Inclusion and Why It Is Important
The term "Social inclusion" refers to an effort or process to enhance the rights, obligations, capabilities, opportunities, and roles of…
Youth as Changemakers: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Human Experience
In today's rapidly changing world, young people are increasingly recognized as powerful agents of change. This article delves into the…
Prosperity and Inequality: What’s the Connection?
Prosperity is a word that is a dream for everyone who hears it. We often wish for prosperity in various…