by The 5P Foundation

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Religion and society are two inseparable elements, regardless of domicile, background, or skin colour; there will always be a religious community. Religious groups are the largest and most organised organisations globally. These groups, dispersed across various regions, each have leaders in their respective areas, claiming to have a large following from diverse classes, races, skin colours, and nationalities. Typically, each group has influential leaders.

These religious leaders usually have extensive networks within and outside their country. Moreover, they are highly respected within their communities, holding powerful roles within their respective religious gatherings. These leaders can shape attitudes, direct opinions, and influence behaviour, as their followers entrust them with leading their religious communities.

Especially at the family and community levels, religious leaders have the power to influence behavior, and attitudes, and raise awareness to shape social values in line with the teachings of their religion.

Essentially, religious leaders have the primary task of preaching in unexplored areas or strengthening the faith of their followers. This responsibility is the essence of a religious leader. Furthermore, they serve as reflections of the religion and community they represent.

In this increasingly modern society, many activities of religious leaders are shifting to stay relevant. Their primary task of preaching is now done digitally through social media or other digital platforms. They are entering realms that are more accessible to the younger generation, understanding that they will be the successors.

The modern lives of religious leaders make many people recognize them. With strong self-branding, even those not initially interested in discussing religion will start to know these figures. This is where the potential power of religious leaders grows, as they can address not only religious matters but also social, cultural, economic, and political issues. They can promote public policies according to their desires, and many followers will follow their guidance. What is more convincing is that it’s not just ordinary people who support them, but political leaders also follow suit.

Religious leaders play an important role in modern society; they are considered extensions of God’s hand to guide their followers toward a better path. Moreover, they act as the voice of the oppressed, advocating for policies made by the government. They also have the authority to be heard by state institutions in deciding policies related to social and religious life. Religious leaders become guardians of social practices and the state to prevent deviations caused by leaders with absolute power.


Religious leaders in every faith, with profound understanding, generally protect mothers, children, and the poor. They nurture these groups as part of humanity and religious teachings, focusing on the well-being of mankind. Every religion educates its followers to be kind, and no religion teaches violence, crime, or any actions that harm others.


Religion consists of good things and justice for everyone. With the presence of religious leaders, these issues can be addressed because there is a respected intermediary to resolve them. This is especially true in handling social exclusion filled with discrimination that can lead to violence. As intermediaries, religious leaders can provide an understanding of social inclusion, campaign for equality, and act wisely in sensitive situations. Their tasks are crucial in society, as individuals who understand the concepts of peace and unity. Every society needs religious leaders who can encourage their people to accept all the differences within the society.

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