by The 5P Foundation

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Peace is a term often heard, yet simultaneously requires a struggle to attain. Only after overcoming numerous wars and fights can true peace be achieved. Peace is a word commonly used but challenging to practice. Humans always have their own interests that may intersect with those of others. Peace is consistently juxtaposed alongside war, even as the Cambridge Dictionary defines peace as “Freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements.”

Why Do We Need Peace? 

Peace becomes a global challenge when trust is lost due to disappointment over certain actions. The question of why we need peace becomes crucial because, in the 21st century, peace has become a necessity for everyone. The prevalence of warfare necessitates peace greatly. Without peace, it will be very difficult for us to have trust, let alone the cooperation and inclusiveness needed for society to withstand these challenges. Furthermore, peace is crucial for managing disputes and adapting to changes in the surroundings.

Undeniably, the abundance of conflicts and violence around us threatens the peace of every individual. Peace and security are basic human rights that should have been fulfilled. The effects of wars occurring on Earth make peace highly necessary. Additionally, the need for peace becomes crucial because the military might not resolve social, political, and economic issues but instead complicate them.

Peacebuilding is highly needed to end the prolonged suffering caused by ongoing conflicts. Social, economic, and political issues require extra attention because building trust after numerous conflicts is challenging. It takes a lot of back-and-forth processes to bring about peace again.

How to Achieve Peace in Society

Peace can be achieved in various ways, and you can create peace with simple actions. Perhaps thinking deeply about the conflicts present in the world today is very complex. Therefore, start making peace with your surroundings.

There are several ways to create peace, including:

Understand the mindset that can lead to conflicts and violence against other groups

  • Thoughts about other groups threatening our well-being
  • Uncertainty about security
  • Belief in the superiority of your own group

Understand the power of emotions that can lead to conflict and violence

  • Provoking and instilling fear, leading to an aggressive orientation toward others
  • If anger and fear turn into hatred, you might perceive others as evil, leading to ill intentions toward them

Pay attention to speech and communication that can lead to conflict

  • Publicly demeaning others’ lives and media reporting that diminishes moral values
  • Recognize that public understanding might justify violence against other groups, leading to aggression

Acknowledge that social inequality is a catalyst for conflict, violence, and suffering

  • Adapt your nature and condition when in situations of poverty and discrimination
  • Equality in human rights, healthcare, opportunities, safety, and security for everyone

Learn more about negative stereotypes against other groups to deepen understanding of their identities and concerns

  • Engage in open dialogue and collaboration with people from diverse backgrounds, differing viewpoints, and understandings
  • Accept the differences between all humans

Strive to have a humanistic and harmonious understanding in your daily life

  • Learn to do good and forgive
  • Use constructive ways to resolve conflicts and embrace differences

Learn to nurture commitment, hope, and peaceful energy

  • Seek inspirational role models to guide and inspire you
  • Seek information about peace initiatives

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