by The 5P Foundation

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Talking about partnerships in social life, it cannot be separated from collaboration. One of the things in today’s life that we often encounter is social media, where in this case social media is closely related to collaboration ideas or other creative content.

More than ever, companies need to bleed every ounce of impact out of their social media. Social isn’t just about awareness anymore. It’s a tool for user experience and nurturing loyalty. So, you need to leverage other departments to support the end-to-end user experience. To stretch social media’s impact in your organization, set up a continuous feedback loop to collect and analyze data from your participants and stakeholders. Then, use this information to inform business decisions and improve your brand’s online presence.

A successful social media strategy is rooted in collaboration. Working with user service, product and other departments on your strategy helps you get the most from your marketing resources. It also helps stay ahead of competitors and create personalized experiences for customers. Let’s walk through how you can practice social media collaboration with teams across your organization to increase your social strategy’s impact.

The benefits of cross-team collaboration

New ideas don’t have to come at the expense of existing initiatives. When everyone is on the same page, it makes it easier for folks to share their unique insights and experiences. This creates room for innovative strategies that can help differentiate your brand experience and align your messaging at every point of the customer journey. It also fosters interest and buy-in for your initiatives across the organization.

On the flip side, your social media data can inform business decisions and improve the customer experience beyond simply boosting brand awareness. With social media collaboration tools, your social team can use their expertise to address questions or issues about your product or service quickly and accurately. Tips for successful social media collaboration with other teams. Once clear on social’s benefits for each team, you’re ready to build a workflow. Establishing clear processes and communication channels will make cross-departmental social media collaboration seamless. Here’s how:

1. Establish a point of contact for each team

Appoint someone from each team to lead and be the point of contact for everything social-related. Then, the team representatives can share updates about their departments’ progress with each other.

2. Set a meeting or collaboration cadence

Decide how often teams should meet and schedule dates in advance. During meetings, allot collaboration time to review progress and discuss challenges. And document each team’s review and share it with the other departments for alignment and visibility.

3. Give stakeholders access to social plans

Waiting for permission to access a doc is a real nail-biter when you’re in a time crunch. Save your teams’ cuticles by sharing docs ahead of time. And include everyone who needs access to social plans and strategies.

4. Share monthly reports and analytics

Along with access to the social plan, share monthly progress and data recaps with the other teams. Include analytics and insights that help clarify the plan and its effectiveness. Also highlight key takeaways for each team, focusing on the data that matters most to them.

5. Include social listening feedback

You need to understand your customers’ needs and speak their language when talking about your product or service. Through social listening, you can gather the opinions, experiences and other information they share with their networks about you and your competitors.

Establish a continuous feedback loop around your listeners. Share valuable insights, information and social listening data with teams on a set schedule. Then, they can design empathetic experiences and solutions that make your customers feel heard.

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