by The 5P Foundation

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Who doesn’t know Taylor Swift’s concert event titled Eras Tour? Of course, many people already knew about this concert and were willing to spend money so they could watch their favourite singer. There are even those who are willing to fly cross-country in order to watch the singer with the song “Blank Space”. In addition to Taylor Swift’s very impressive performance being the topic of conversation, it turns out that there is one thing that is also being discussed. Swiftonomics, a new term, popped up after the Eras Tour was held in several countries. Swiftonomics itself is a term used to explain the phenomenon that Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour has a positive impact, especially in the economic and tourism sectors in each country where the concert is held.

Quoting BBC News, Taylor Swift’s concert in Australia could cause a leap in consumer spending of USD145 Million (Rp2.27 Trillion). Also according to Mitsumasa Eto, a lecturer at Tokyo City University, said the tour was the biggest music event in Japanese history in terms of estimated economic impact, with sales in Tokyo increasing by at least 25 percent each night after the tour ended. These facts cannot be denied that economic activities, especially in the tourism sector, have increased significantly due to the concert performed by Taylor Swift.

However, if other countries want to be like Singapore who bought Taylor Swift’s royalties so that other Southeast Asian countries cannot bring Eras Tour to their countries. In addition to the large capital required, infrastructure and also the quality of human resources must also be very concerned. Especially the behaviour of the audience. As in Indonesia, which has invited several well-known foreign artists, but ended with chaos between the audience which made the concert stopped or cancelled.

It takes maturity from the audience if we want to hold a concert by inviting a famous singer. Because if the event does not run smoothly due to riots, economic activities during the concert will not run properly and the organising country will get a bad reputation.


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